Today I Learnt FM

Some things I learnt recently...

How to remove elements from lists in Terraform on

You can remove specific elements from a list or a set with this syntax

$ terraform console

> [for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: i if i != 3]
> toset([for i in toset([1, 2, 3, …
That you can impersonate pods in K8s on

Useful feature when you are developing against a cluster API is to act as the pod where your feature will be deployed.

In Kubernetes every pod is automatically assigned a service account. This is …

You can create JSON payloads with JQ on

JQ can be used to create JSON objects of a certain shape, with the help of a few command line options.

You can use --argjson to load JSON objects into variables that can then be referenced by $name. …

That you can use kubectl to view/patch ArgoCD running parameters on

ArgoCD exposes its own set of K8s custom resources when installed on a cluster:

 k get crds
NAME                                         CREATED AT …
How to include AWS-specific info when using kubectl get nodes on

The standard configuration when using kubectl get nodes is meant to be working for any cluster, therefore does not include any specific information about the K8s distribution you are using.

At work we …

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